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About Project No Labels

In 2015, Project No Labels set forth on a mission to empower and strengthen our Tampa Bay LGBTQ+ community. We want the world to see our community for all its glory, vibrance, liveliness, and dedication to living our true selves.


Our community is a beautiful one and, here at Project No Labels, we like to share this beauty with Tampa Bay and the world. And we do so through countless mediums: our amazing volunteerism, activism and voice, creative social gatherings, and by creating a safe atmosphere for everyone regardless of orientation, gender, religion, color, beliefs.


We believe that the things that separate us can also be what unites us, and our mission is to unite. 



As we work tirelessly to leave a positive, uplifting influence on the Tampa Bay area, we also work hard to combat the darker side that plagues our LGBTQ+ community…. because as we all know, a beautiful rainbow only comes after it endures much rain.


To have a strong presence in community, business, networking, we must also promote strength from within. 




  • If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, including but not limited to orientation, gender, and identity issues, please check out our mental health page and consider our affordable mental health program through our partnership with Dr. Katie Shubert, Psychotherapist.

  • If you’re interested in making a generous contribution to help in our goal of unity and empowerment, please visit our sponsorship page. 

  • If you want to contribute your time and skills to an amazing cause, please fill out our volunteer form and someone from our team will reach out to you.

  • If you’re a local small business, organization, or artist interested in collaborating and promoting with Project No Labels, please visit our allies page.

  • If you'd like to share the love and make a kind donation to our organization, we encourage you to donate.

  • If you simply want to join in on all the fun and celebrate our beautiful community with us, please visit our events page.


Here at Project No Labels, what separates us unites us. 

And our family is only getting bigger!


A very special thanks to all the beautiful souls that weave the dream together and make it all happen!


We could not do it without all of our volunteers, sponsors, partners, and allies that have joined us and our mission from all walks of life.

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